Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rollercoaster Life

I’ve been thinking a lot about life lately, the last entry in my blog is an ultimate example to the extent of my thoughts. So, what’s life?? I might sound a depressed asshole, but you will agree with me as you read through. Life's nothing but a shithole filled with hate; we must still dare to hope, filled with anger; we must still dare to comfort, filled with despair; we must still dare to dream and a world filled with distrust; we must still dare to believe but there has to be a limit to this “hope”. You never get what you want, rather you get everything that you want or desire but there’s a full stop to the thing you want the most. Why does it happen? Is it bad to desire? Is it bad to have the best thing in the world? Life’s very unfair most of the time; sometimes it’s good, sometimes full of shit, no matter how it is, you still have to face it. The most unreasonable thing about life is the way it ends and the way it starts.. I mean, life is harsh. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a gratuity? I believe the life cycle is all backwards rather it should be like; You should die initially, get it out of the way after that you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too juvenile, you get a gold chain watch, buy a BMW, wear Gucci shoes, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party and you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb and you spend your last nine months floating......and you finish off as an orgasm.” That’s the way you should die.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth versues Flying Saucers

It's 7 am in morning and the thing that triggered me to write this blog post is a movie named "The Fourth kind" that I saw a couple of hours back which depicts the existence of UFO's and their actions in the past. I was kinda disturbed by the facts shown in the movie and decided to do my research. Finally came to a conclusion after going through numerous theories, pictures, research papers, case studies or you may just say facts.
Many would say that the question of whether we're alone in the universe was answered some time ago so why the hell is this topic up again, it’s because we didn’t listen, bcoz we just decided not to. Well that's not entirely true. Some people did listen. They had no choice by happening to be in the right place at the right time, whilst others found themselves in the right place at the wrong time.
"The fundamental question is: Are we alone? For the first time, there's optimism that sometime in our lifetimes we're going to get to the bottom of that," said Simon "Pete" Worden, an astronomer who heads Nasa's Ames Research Centre.
According to me, of course there is an enormous amount of evidence out there if you know where to look. There continues to be a large number of professional, trustworthy and dedicated UFO investigators around the world that carry out imperative work in the field, either individually or as part of organizations. There are other information sources however, that we would be well advised to consider with more caution. The trick is in knowing where to draw the line between the two of them.
The physical evidence of space invader visitation is overwhelming. People, who can’t see beyond the boundaries of “whatever” religion they worship, usually have problems with the possibilities of life existing outside this planet. I remember once a lady who was lot into gods and all told me, “Life does not exist outside this planet, because Jesus only died for people on this planet”. Now that’s a scary comment to make in the 21st century. Remember, people like these are driving cars exceeding 70mph with a narrow divider between you and them. Oh and forget about the millions of other people who have different religious beliefs. Bottom line, we are not alone in this spiral galaxy.
I feel it necessary to point out that I have never seen a UFO myself, or had any personal experience with the phenomenon first hand. My part in all of this is simple: to bring the issue to a wider view, but in such a way that it makes you think out of the box and give the UFO occurrence a serious consideration it deserves. In doing so, maybe you get curious and come up with new beautiful thoughts.
What are the odds of other planets harbouring life?
What are the odds of life developing on other worlds? Very high indeed.
Some research has been done by a guy named Stephen Hawkins and a multitude of world renowned scientists. Logical calculations have brought them to the conclusion that life is probably not unique to earth. They discovered this by analyzing the universe and quantifying supernatural bodies. They have accomplished this by an extensive process of erdadication. Their findings concluded that the odds are astronomically high that life could have evolved on other galaxies and most agree that is more a probability than a possibility. Some people might wonder why we have no physical evidence whatsoever. There are many reasons for this fact but basically, Aliens who control UFO’s are way more advanced than us and they do not wish to reveal themselves. Way advanced of us could mean billions of years ahead in technology. With the age of the universe at around 20 billion years, life could have evolved before and/or after human beings. The odds that they would have evolved at our rate are next to impossible.
Some people might argue that the spaceship could break down and we would see some physical evidence in the case of an accident. But again, their technology would be so superior that they wouldn't crash, a near impracticality. If they have the technology to travel to earth on a journey of let's say millions of light years away, why would they crash on earth? Come on guys, it’s no joke to create such beautiful objects with diameter more than a mile and which don’t even make noise when they move.
In the past, we have found Alien looking skulls, ancient monuments that we would have trouble building today, metals that don't originate on Earth. I saw a picture of a pyramid that is kept in a British museum in London. This Pyramid hardly has a diameter and height of half a metre each and can you guess how much does it weigh?? Okay, it weighs more than 2 tons. Can you beat that? I haven’t heard of any metal on this planet that weighs so much. So, I think this material might not belong to this planet, but then how did it reach here? And that too so nicely shaped. So, this adds to the questions you should ask to yourself.
Alright let’s just move on to Aliens. I have read out an article which tells that there is an instrument which is something similar to a stereo system kept on space which constantly says “we are your friends” in all the languages that is known to exist on Earth. This is done only to make Aliens understand (if any present) that there is also one more planet where life Exists and the same is named as Earth. Around millions of individuals have claimed to have seen a UFO but not so many have claimed to have seen Aliens. They all can’t be wrong or dumb enough to chalk out a difference between a bird/aeroplane and an Unidentied Flying object..
For any life to exist, the basic need is oxygen and water and the traces of these two are only found on Earth as of now. But, Just think this way what if a new genus is existing which can live without the above said two, This is where Aliens comes into reality and this is how many claim saying that Extra terrestrial life is possible. But, like all other mysteries this will also be solved only when people get some concrete proofs.
I'll leave at this last node that will surely agitate the “non science” individuals who can still read. Based on science and the law of statistics, “The possibilities of life existing outside this planet, are greater than the possibilities of life existing on this planet”. Think about it, there is an extremely high probability of life starting on one little planet compared to millions, billions of other planets which can create life a lot easier. That leaves no option other than maybe it’s just us who are Aliens to them.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Breathless Apple name rumor: It’s the iPad

Some weeks ago, in San Francisco and with much fanfare, Apple launched their latest product, the iPad. Not since the iBook of genesis has there been such a reaction to an Apple story. What is all the fuss about??Well, the price for one thing. It costs $499 for the basic and $829 for the top one (with 64GB and 3G). This may sound a lot but personally, I was expecting it be around $1000.

Now, what do you get for money?? Well, Its half an inch thick, weighs 1.5 lbs and has a 10 inch screen. It looks like an iPhone fed with steroids but technically, it’s called a tablet and it’s supposed to fill the gap in the market between the smart phones and the laptops. This area has proved something of a Bermuda Triangle for the computing industry. In the early nineties Apple launched the “Newton”. It was also a tablet and it flopped massively… though Microsoft also tried a couple of things but master blaster Bill gates could not get hold of it.

Now, If we look at iPad with the end-user’s point of view, What is the point of a phone which is too big to put in you pocket or a lap top without a keyboard?? What does an iPad actually do?? The answer is both “Surprisingly little” and “Pretty much everything”. It lacks, what Tech-geek call, a “killer-application”, meaning it can’t make you a cup of tea (although how long before Apple launches iTeasmaid?). It does more or less the same stuff as the iPhone, only it’s bigger, that’s all. But in that key detail lies a host of killing applications. Size, in the instance matters. Lots of things are better on bigger screen, “The bigger the better”. Things like reading, coding or gaming. A bigger screen is also better for videos, but iPad lacks on movies, but it’s a matter of time, I guess. In the meantime you can amuse yourself by playing Computer games. iPad has something for every age group, be it gaming, coding or viewing pictures, but alternatively if you are too grown-up for such things you could also use it for work as it has eReader for ePapers and eBooks.

But the iPad is far from perfect. It’s many flaws have not escaped the reviewers.

Firstly, and by far the most serious, the iPad can do lots of things, but it can’t do them all at a time. You can’t, in other words listen to Spotify whilst browsing.

Second, and most surprising, there is no camera, not on the front for iChat, nor on the back for taking pictures. Can you believe this? These days, even things that come in cereal packets are supposed to have a camera on them.

Third, the iPad can’t deal with flash content on websites. This isn’t a big deal on something as small as the iPhone but it will leave big holes in the tablet’s browsing experience.

Then there are the smaller gripes; it can’t handle widescreen or HD; it needs too many adapters; it has a silly name (faintly suggestive of feminine hygiene).

But the Apple detractors are missing the point. It isn’t finished product. It’s a new platform for programming developers. Imagine what all those clever app creators could come up with a bigger screen. One of the developers on Facebook, Joe Hewitt spelt out the implications: “If you are a developer and you are not thinking about how your app could work better on the iPad and its descendants, you could deserve to get left behind,” that’s what is different about the iPad- it has potential.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GAMING : Animated Roulette ????

I don't really mind people occasionally playing PlayStation/PSP/XBox or to say just Video Games but when they become obsessed and feel like they have to play at least three to four hours a day, it just takes the idea to a whole new extreme.
I find it hard to understand how these people can endlessly play Video Games, isolating themselves from everyone else. Even when two people play a Video Game together, they become so involved with the game losing all sense of happenings around them.
Seriously, where's the enjoyment in shooting someone like one does in Call of Duty/ Counter Strike or in Fifa, where you play "Cyber" Football, you play the same game again and again, surely it's more fun to play actual football, with real people? It does make me concerned for these people who spend most of their time in front of their TV with holding something with both hands... eh... a Gaming controller.. Don't think too much...
As a sociable person, I find it hard to understand why someone would sit in front of a TV, not talk to anyone else in the room, and just play what?? yeah, that's right.."Video Games". It just seems like a very boring thing to do. My brother and husband love to play Xbox/PSP,( Brother??, Husband??? WTF are you talking abt?? Right? Okay, read it till the end or you may have a wrong impression.., you might have lost the track ) My brother and husband love to play Xbox/PSP and when I look at their faces whilst they are playing, I see focus, intensity and "don't you dare disturb me look". I remember once my husband had thought he'd lost his PSP, I have never seen him panic so much and he threatened to hurt someone if it was not found. Whether he was serious or not, Who knows, but as a long time Video Game player you wouldn't want to mess with his console.
There are lot of arguments about people who play video games, but I get on with all of them, but just cant see why they would spend their time playing games rather than going out clubbing or whatever else.
But maybe, because I just like going out having a boogie, I prefer to dance rather than sit in front of a screen. Going to Yates, where you see so many people, maybe any of your freind, (that's quite hard though) and get to catch up on gossip and everyday life is so much more fun than playing on a Video Game against someone who you don't even know or a bloody computer operated soldier/Player.
Obviously people Video game for other reasons, but everyone has a friend they can talk to. Again, I don't mind people who play Video games, but its those who don't recognise the balance between reality and cyber who let down the majority.

On the contrary, I love playing games. Surprised?? Why the hell would I write such a stupid article then?? Okay, clearing the fog off your glasses, this post is dedicated to My lovely Sister "Nidhi" who keeps saying all this whenever I play (:P). I guess, now she'l believe, that I understand her and I don't do it intentionally, gaming is addictive and you just can't control yourself once you are into it, After all, what kind of insane kid would grow up to hate chocolate if your favorite Aunt owned a chocolaterie, huh?.... or maybe this post is just a platform to play more without getting disturbed next time. :P Keep thinking....

Adios, Keep playing Gamers !!!!
Gateway, bristol 10 feb